Stories of the Finnish Arctic Expertise

Lamor keeps the Arctic seas clean

ARCTIC STORIES: If a tanker runs aground in the Arctic seas, Finnish company Lamor will most likely have provided the equipment used in the oil spill rescue.

Lamor has sold their solutions to Norway, to USA and to Canada. Ninety-five percent of Russia’s new icebreakers have Lamor equipment.

“We operate all around the world, but the Arctic is very important to us, as it is so vulnerable”, says Rune Högström, Lamor’s Chief Operating Officer.

Lamor provides state-of-the-art oil spill response solutions, services, and equipment. Its partners include major oil and gas companies, harbours and shipyards. The company cooperates closely with coastguards, environmental administrations and other agencies.

The market is global – the company hashtag proudly states that Lamor ‘cleans the world’.

Lamor headquarters is located in the idyllic centre of Porvoo, less than an hour’s drive from Helsinki. The company invests continuously in research and development, and leads a network of partners and subcontractors.

"We have also established a service providing entity, Corena Group, which provides integrated environmental solutions. We already perform services in China, on the Sakhalin Island, in Oman, Peru, Colombia and elsewhere. Our warehouses are located in Finland, the U.S., China and Britain,” Högström continues.

Lamor’s portfolio of oil spill recovery equipment includes free-floating multiskimmers, heavy-duty oil booms, workboats, vessel-mounted oil recovery systems and oil transfer pumps. They can recover oil,hazardous substances and liquids in water; for freezing conditions, Lamor has a trump card called Sternmax.

Sternmax is a deceptively simple-looking bucket-like roller with brushes. The oil in the water will stick to the brushes that will then go through a scraper that removes the oil. The secret of Sternmax is in its innovative design. In icy waters and sub-zero temperatures, conventional skimmers are clogged by sludge. The Lamor skimmers do not collect any ice sludge.

“We have tested our Sternmax in Arctic conditions together with the icebreaking service provider Arctia on the icebreaker Ahto in Kemi. Our purpose was to develop the most effective and efficient oil recovery applications of the skimmer in challenging ice conditions”, Högström explains.

As the oil industry cluster is seeking licenses to prospect oil in the Arctic seas, Lamor’s expertise is becoming even more indispensable. In order to get the necessary permits, oil spill preparedness and prevention have to be in order.

“This is an exciting field. Pressure on the Arctic region is high. It has been calmer for a while but the moment oil prices go up again, a new boom will start”, Högström predicts.

The Chief Operating Officer of Lamor spends much of his time on airplanes shuttling around the globe. The Arctic has a special place in his heart.

“Think about today’s world. Where are the least crowded places? If you love space, the Arctic surely is the best place to be”, Högström laughs.

“The Arctic region is not very well known. It is interesting, because it poses challenges. Working with Arctic issues is a constant exploration,” Högström concludes.

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The Sternmax skimmer has been tested on icebreaker Ahto in authentic Arctic conditions. Photo: (c) Lamor.