The purpose of the Arctic Society of Finland is to follow the development of the Arctic region and to influence decisions concerning the Arctic region in the interests of Finland. In order to attain its purpose the society organizes seminars, lectures and other events and maintains contacts with international and Finnish organizations, research institutes, universities and other organizations that deal with issues concerning the Arctic regions. The Arctic Society of Finland was founded on the 18th of September 2012.
- The Arctic Society of Finland is chaired by Timo Koivurova, Research Professor, Director, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland.
- Commission of the Arctic Society of Finland is chaired by Matti Vanhanen, Emeritus Prime Minister.
- The strategy of the Arctic Society of Finland (in Finnish)
- Events of the Arctic Society of Finland (in Finnish).
Contact information
For further information please do not hesitate to contact:
Mail address:
Suomen arktinen seura / Arktinen keskus, Lapin yliopisto
P.O. Box 122
96101 Rovaniemi