University of Oulu
The University of Oulu is an international scientific university which studies arctic issues in several disciplines. The University of Oulu is one of the Northernmost multidisciplinary universities in the world. Research at the University of Oulu supports the Arctic agenda with expertise in many fields, including sustainable use of natural resources, for example: sustainable mining and production technologies; aeronomy and atmospheric chemistry; technologies suitable for extreme conditions, Arctic logistics and distance spanning; health in Northern environments; and Saami Linguistics and Saami Cultural Studies. These endeavors depend on strong partnerships. We work in close cooperation with other universities and research institutes focusing on Arctic issues.
Thule Institute is a focus area unit which promotes multidisciplinary research and innovations in the fields of environment, natural resources and northern issues at the University of Oulu through high-quality research and doctoral training. The UArctic (University of the Arctic) research activities are led by Thule Institute which hosts Research Liaison Office and coordinates the Thematic Networks. Research cooperation with the Lynet partnership is also coordinated by the Thule Institute, aiming to promote research and higher education cooperation between the University of Oulu and state research institutes in the fields of natural resources and the environment. Thule Institute’s and Faculty of Medicine’s joint Arctic Health activity focuses on studying the health and well-being of people in circumpolar areas.
Giellagas Institute has a nation-wide responsibility to organize, introduce and provide Saami language and cultural studies and research at the academic level in Finland.
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory performs continuous measurements and research of the Earth's magnetic field, cosmic radio noise, seismic activities, and cosmic rays.